This is the gallery page for the Thermopolis CITO Event held in 2007. It was a gorgeous spring day and the attendance was outstanding. Thanks for the organizers for a wonderful day and a super event.

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Following are photos taken at the CITO event in Thermopolis which took place May ?, 2007. This was a fun event which gave us a chance to meet new cachers and re-acquaint with cachers we have met before.

Thermop Cito1 Thermop Cito
Activities Tents The area to be cleaned up
Thermop Cito3 Thermop Cito4
Is it lunch time yet? Lunch is served!
Thermop Cito5 Thermop Cito6
Setting up the screened tent Big business going on here!
Thermop Cito7 Thermop Cito8
Conversation time! Get your hotdog here!
Thermop Cito9 Thanks to the NW Wyoming geocaching
group for the wonderful time and the chance
to attend this event. A good time as had by all.
The tents came in very handy!